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Monday, September 13, 2010

"Laughter Times Six" Septembers Sunday Dinner!

Laughter! It's good for the Soul.

I love to be with people you can eat a peanut butter sandwich with at noon on a Tuesday or a salmon dinner by candlelight on Sunday evening...and nothing is different, nothing changes, its one and the same. Well...o.k...maybe there IS a difference in the food department,who am I kidding... but the flavor of those around your table? It just gets me everytime.

There were 6 of us for Septembers Sunday Dinner. All friends of Jaime and I...but strangers to each other. There is nothing that makes me smile more than bringing people we love together under one roof to share the web of freindship God has placed on our path. I listened to that universal language, laughter, all the evening long and today as I write I reflect on the aches and pains of the world, on our own individual worlds and believe even stronger that our ability to shed the day and relax into each others stories and shared experiences that end in laughter is one of  Gods greatest gifts to us here and now!

You cannot stop those moments, days or even seasons of hardship from knocking at your door.None of us get to escape. I have never once heard that we were promised ease. But there is one thing we control. Choosing to surround ourselves with good attitudes. People who challenge us, encourage us, and make walking these roads that are sometimes only dirt...feel like they are paved.

 Surrounding ourselves with others who have the inate abiltity to take the slightest smile and turn it into laughter...I'll take that any day. I feel like I was given a Sunday gift.
Jaime and I had a blast... From decoration to preparation to clean-up to hugs hello and a glass of wine, salmon to blueberries with sorbet and good-bye! Whew! Thank you Cases and Herzbergs...xxoo.

We are already looking forward to Octobers Sunday Dinner and hope you will continue to cyber-walk with us as a follower on our blogging journey with  Altered Lives Art Sunday Dinners and life in between!

                                               "La Vita e Dolce e Salata!"


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I would like to see photos of the food, and maybe a recipe! love you!

  2. That was Lecia Doss above:)

  3. funny :) I know...forgot to take pics of food..realized later :( Next time!

  4. great table Susan! I am ALWAYS forgetting to take pictures for my kitchen blog...once the food is made I just want to eat it! Love to you xo Lisa
