The downside of my "January Moments" is that January passed... and suddenly I remembered Sunday Dinner! I think it was those Seattle Seahawks(or perhaps the brandy) that totally distracted me on that one amazing weekend with the Saints. And so...due to poor planning, our Sunday Dinner was served on a Saturday Night. You just have to learn to roll with this crazy life, right? And having friends that like to roll too? Now thats a plus!
So we relaxed and laughed with good friends the Cases and Carkners, on a Saturday night in late January.
I put out my California Poppies tablecloth as encouragement that spring and summer does come to Washington. We must be patient...and Smile. See? Thats better :)
Clams with Linguini , a sweet bottle of Good Night wine, people who laugh at subjects which perhaps are not really appropriate dinner conversation...people who slurp their pasta...hey! It's January. Cold and dreary, remember?? :)
But as my son Jordan would say "It's all good." When there are artificial Poppies, logs on the fire, a roof over your head, wine and friends to share it with...he is right.
Thanks for sharing the evening with us,
you make it worth the raindrops!
Jen loves her clam linguine picture. :)